

In the ancient land of Eldoria, nestled between towering mountain ranges and enchanted forests, there existed a kingdom of unparalleled beauty and prosperity known as Aramoria. At the heart of Aramoria stood the magnificent City of Eldor, a beacon of culture, wisdom, and innovation. The fate of Aramoria was intricately woven into the threads of destiny, guided by the hands of beings known as the Eldranth, ancient guardians of the realm. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow upon Eldor, a prophecy whispered through the rustling leaves of the Wisdom Grove. It foretold the rise of a chosen one, a youth named Lorian, whose destiny would be entwined with the very fabric of Aramoria's fate. Lorian, an orphan with no knowledge of his lineage, lived a humble life in the outskirts of Eldor, unaware of the extraordinary path that awaited him. One fateful day, as Lorian explored the mystical Whispering Woods, he stumbled upon a forgotten relic—a shimmering crystal kn


In the heart of the Kalahari Desert, where the sun painted the dunes with hues of amber and gold, there lived a mysterious figure known as Kaya, the Crazy African Witch. Kaya was no ordinary witch; her laughter echoed through the vast expanse of the desert, and her hair, a wild cascade of silver, seemed to dance in the desert breeze. Legend had it that Kaya's magical abilities were as unpredictable as the desert winds. She could summon rain in the midst of a scorching drought, speak to the spirits of the ancient Baobab trees, and brew potions that could make time itself dance to her whims. The people of the nearby villages regarded Kaya with a mix of awe and caution. They sought her counsel when the land thirsted for water or when an ailment baffled the local healers. Despite her eccentricities, Kaya was always willing to help, often asking for the most unusual payment—a story. She believed that stories held the power to shape destinies, and collecting them was her way of weaving t


Once upon a time, in a realm beyond the reach of ordinary mortals, there existed a parallel dimension known as Lumindor. Lumindor was a world of living dreams, where the very fabric of reality was woven from the threads of imagination. In Lumindor, there was a mythical creature called the Whimsyweaver, a being with the ability to shape and mold dreams into tangible wonders. The Whimsyweaver resided in the Enchanted Grove, a magical forest where each tree held the essence of a different dream. One day, a curious and adventurous soul named Elara discovered a hidden portal to Lumindor. Entranced by the allure of this fantastical realm, Elara ventured through the portal and found herself in the heart of the Enchanted Grove. The Whimsyweaver, sensing Elara's pure heart and boundless imagination, appeared before her. The Whimsyweaver explained that Lumindor's magic was slowly fading, as the dreams woven into its fabric were becoming dull and forgotten. Elara, touched by the beauty o


  Is it just me or does that look like Chris Brown? The book starts with the setting for the story – a teacher’s training college in 1974. A man named Dare Martins is visited by his friend, Allen Bamgbose. After chatting for a while, they’re joined by two other guys named Kunle and Taiwo. For some reason, they begin talking about the most horrifying things they’ve ever experienced – you know, like normal friends do when they get together. Dare’s story was about witnessing some shit during the civil war. Taiwo’s story was about a plane crash that claimed seven lives. Kunle’s story was about the one time he experienced an earthquake during his time abroad. Things take a turn for the  “Nigga, what?”  when Allen’s story ends up being about the time he got a journalist VIP pass to hell and got to walk around, interviewing some of its residents – in a dream. You just know that at least one person in that room was like: But they’d already told their stories and were bound by the law of nicene


He looked around, surrounded by his friend as they enjoyed the view. Today was a good day, he could feel it. The day he’d been waiting for, pushing for. He’d just have to wiggle a bit more and it would be his turn, his turn to explore the beautiful world that had laid before him since he was born. He looked at his friends, some were large r , some were smaller but it didn’t matter. They would explore the world together! Even Larry at the end who’d looked a bit sick lately. He readied his voice and gave the command and they began pushing and shoving. Before they knew it, it had happened. They were free, the adventure had begun and they were now rushing towards new and unknown territories. Places they had only seen from afar, creatures they’d only heard fairytales of and a new home amongst new and exciting friends. The landing had been quite rough but they had managed. Larry had gotten separated from them but not to worry, he would probably catch up later once he’d recovered. Their next